Angular and React: comparison of JavaScript frameworks

Angular and React

Angular and React are some of the most popular solutions for websites and mobile apps . Angular is a complete framework offering a large number of features, with an approach that can be described as rigorous. React is a library generally used together with other libraries. The most suitable solution may therefore differ depending on your project.


  1. Angular and React: what are they?
  2. Angular and React: commonalities
  3. Angular and React: differences
  4. Which solution for which project?
  5. In summary: Angular and React are two compelling solutions

Do you want to create a dynamic and interactive website whose loading times do not explode? It seems in this case difficult to do without an appropriate web framework . MooTools , Vue, Svelte , and the .NET framework are some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries , along with Angular and React. Both solutions have a large following and offer a multitude of advantages, but also some less obvious disadvantages. To make the right choice, several factors should be taken into account.. Discover with us the similarities and differences of these solutions to decide which of React or Angular is the best option for you.

Angular and React: what are they?

For a meaningful comparison between Angular and React, let’s first take a look at these two opponents. Angular is a framework for mobile applications. It was developed in 2016 and is based on TypeScript and developed since 2016. It succeeds Angular JS and is the result of an entire community, which includes Google, among others. Angular is an open source solution that can run on any platform . Unlike the previous version, Angular uses JavaScript. Google is not the only company to use this very popular framework: let’s not forget either, for example, Microsoft, IBM, PayPal or Samsung.

Strictly speaking, React is not a JavaScript framework: rather, it is a library. React was first developed in 2013, by and for Facebook, and operates under the MIT license, which therefore also makes it an open source solution. React is suitable for web and mobile applications and can also be combined with other libraries. React stands out with its comparison feature known as “ DOM diffing ”: no additional Document Object Model is created, React simply updates the modified part. In addition to the Meta universe (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other programs), React is also used by Netflix, Dropbox and the New York Times, among others.

Angular and React: commonalities

If you compare Angular and React, you will start by realizing that these two solutions share several commonalities. If you are looking for the most suitable option for your project, do not panic if you find that these two options are similar. We are going to show you some of these commonalities.

  • Open source: as you already know, Angular and React are two open source solutions. In addition to being free, they are therefore constantly developed and controlled by large communities. Thanks to this, they are regularly improved and any possible problem is quickly solved.
  • Structure: Angular and React use the same components and therefore adopt a similar approach, for a particularly simple use. Each individual component can also be examined and tested separately. All are also reusable at will.
  • Fields of application: the two solutions are used to develop the front-end interface of a website or a mobile application.
  • Usage: Angular and React can be used on different platforms. Both solutions are particularly suitable for single-page applications. They also allow you to work with web components .
  • Update: Both options are regularly updated. In this way, any errors can be quickly corrected or even completely avoided. You’ll have no trouble working on a project with one of these solutions.

Angular and React: differences

To decide in favor of React or Angular, however, it is necessary to take into account the differences between these two frameworks.

  • Approach: The main difference between Angular and React, which is also the most obvious, concerns their nature. If Angular is a real framework in the literal sense, React is more of a library. Their scope is therefore not the same.
  • Features: Overall, the Angular framework offers more features than its opponent. You can take advantage of templates, views, and controllers, but also the helper solutions of Ajax, the automated development tool Angular CLI, and a focus on TypeScript to avoid errors and other problems. React is no slouch, however, thanks in particular to the already mentioned virtual DOM, the cross-platform React Native framework for mobile applications and its declarative user interface.
  • Integration: if the Angular framework has the advantage of being very complete, its integration is necessarily a little more complex. In the case of React, additional libraries are most of the time necessary, but its integration is much easier.
  • Syntax: When deciding between Angular and React, syntax can also matter. Angular relies entirely on TypeScript, while React thinks a bit more about users and uses JSX.
  • Getting started: So, which of React or Angular is easier to get started? As an extended framework, Angular, for which the use of TypeScript is required, is more demanding. In comparison, React is therefore much simpler, but it also takes time to get used to its additional features, which ultimately turns out to be more time-consuming than a jQuery tutorial , for example.
  • Tools: the two opponents use and offer different tools. It is therefore important for developers to know the specificities of these two solutions. Angular notably uses code editors such as VS Code, the Angular CLI interface already mentioned, Angular Universal (for rendering) and Protractor (for the test phase). In addition to VS Code, React also supports Create React App, Jest (for testing), and Next.js framework (for rendering).
  • Performance: In principle, there is no big difference between Angular and React. React’s virtual DOM is, however, advantageous for large applications, and allows for better performance. Angular may therefore lose a few points in this respect.
  • Extensions: Many extensions are available for both solutions. The main difference comes from the fact that Angular is naturally very complete and already offers many features, while React is more minimalist. It is therefore necessary to install some extensions to start. However, the large developer communities that surround these solutions both offer many additional possibilities for various uses.

Which solution for which project?

Each project requires a different approach, so the winner of the comparison between Angular and React necessarily depends on the intended use. If you want to develop an application from A to Z , Angular is definitely the best solution, especially if the back-end plays an important role in it. This recommendation is all the more relevant if you already master TypeScript. The multitude of features offered by the framework can also be advantageous for very large projects.

On the other hand, it is rather recommended to opt for React to manage your already existing applications or a strong concentration at the level of your front-end interface. Also be convinced by the React library if you need to integrate a lot of interactive elements into your project. In addition, it is much more flexible and easier to handle.

In summary: Angular and React are two compelling solutions

Who wins this duel between Angular and React? In the end, it all depends on your project, your knowledge and your requirements. These two technologies are among the best and give you a wide range of different options . The developers therefore have the chance to choose between these two solutions, or even to integrate a third opponent into this competition. So, are you more Angular, React or Vue? Whatever your decision, JavaScript is able to offer you countless possibilities thanks to its various resources.

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