- Author: Mikael Olsson
- ISBN: 1484259947
- Year: 2020
- Pages: 223
- Language: English
- File size: 2.1 MB
- File format: PDF, ePub
- Category: C & C++
Book Description:
This quick C++ 20 guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the favorite programming language, entirely updated for C++20. It presents the essential C++20 code syntax within an well-organized format which can be used as a handy reference.
Additionally, it covers library changes including prolonged futures, latches and barriers, task blocks, and text formatting.
In the C++20 Quick Syntax Reference, you will discover short, easy, and concentrated code examples. This book involves a well-laid-out table of contents and a detailed index allowing for easy review. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history classes, or witty stories within this publication. What you may find is a vocabulary reference that is concise, to the point, and thoroughly accessible. The book is full of useful information and is a must-have for any C++ programmer.
What You Will Learn
- Discover the crucial C++20 attributes
- Utilize concepts to constrain template arguments
- Utilize modules as a substitute for header files
- Take advantage of this three-dimensional comparison operator
- Create instantaneous functions with the consteval keyword
- Make use of constexpr, constinit and designated initializers
Experienced C++ developers. Additionally, this is a succinct, easily-digested debut for other developers new to C++.