Creating Game Environments in Blender 3D
- Author:
- ISBN: 1484261739
- Year: 2020
- Pages: 251
- Language: English
- File size: MB
- File format: PDF, ePub
- Category: Game Programming
Book Description:
Discover how to make easy game surroundings in Blender 3D, from modeling and texturing sports assets, to placing them at a scene. You’ll export and import game assets as well as look at open-source game engines that will work together with your game resources. Creating Game Environments in Blender 3D presents the ability of Blender 3D when creating a very low poly game environment.
The book begins by discussing the fundamentals of game language, such as understanding the difference between nonpoly and high poly assets and the types of games you’re most likely to work on.
You will also have a brief look at Blender’s desktop and installation. The following chapters talk about the process of creating a simple game atmosphere.
This is discussed in detail along with a sample job. These chapters discuss the common tools for starting a sports environment as well as the methods for enhancing your game environment, such as color principles. The final chapter shows how you can export the sports assets you made in Blender, the way you are able to import game assets in Blender, and also how to evaluate the different game engines out there.
This publication shows you the exciting facet of producing game surroundings whilst demonstrating the power of Blender. After studying it, you will feel confident about developing a game atmosphere.
You may:
- Use Blender to make low poly game surroundings
- Work with the Frequent Blender tools for sport surroundings design and development
- Discover how to use Blender features in-depth
- Evaluate the Eevee and Cycles of game engines