Deno Succinctly

Deno Succinctly Book Description:

Deno is a JavaScript runtime developed by Node’s original author in response to the evolving online application market and the widespread adoption of Node since its release in 2009. Deno Succinctly is a book written by Mark Lewin that explains the benefits of using Deno for server-side web development and walks the reader through three small projects that showcase the runtime’s key capabilities. This book will help you get up and running with Deno in no time, regardless of whether you’re familiar with Node or other JavaScript runtimes.

The Open Publication License covers this free book (OPL). PDF copies of Deno Succinctly are available for free download (3.8 MB).

Deno Succinctly Book Description:

  • Author(s): Mark Lewin
  • Publisher: Syncfusion Inc.
  • Published: June 2021
  • Format(s): PDF, Mobi(Kindle), ePub, Online
  • File size: 2.92 MB
  • Number of pages: 108

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