Exploring the Raspberry Pi 2 with C++

Exploring the Raspberry Pi 2 with C++

  • Author: Warren Gay
  • ISBN: 9781484217382
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 212
  • Language: English
  • File size: 4.9 MB
  • File format: PDF
  • Category: Programming


Book Description:

You have a Pi two, however, what exactly can you do with it? This publication takes you on a tour of the Pi 2 hardware and all the amazing things that you can do in order to create useful and innovative projects with your own Pi. Start with creating a workstation that does real work, and continue into installing a custom kernel, creating a clock, learning the intricacies of the GPIO port, and pick up a few useful C++ skills on the way.

Warren Gay, author of Mastering the Raspberry Pi, takes you through a set of experiments to reveal just exactly what the Pi 2 is capable of and how you can use it to create your own fantastic creations.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The best way to create an experimenter’s workstation for your Pi 2, finish with breadboard as well as Arduino
  • Each of the details of GPIO, including a custom command for working with it
  • Useful projects like a general function clock along with the PiSpy
  • Quick intro to C++ for your Pi
  • The best way to make a multi-core webserver

Who this book is for:

Intermediate electronics enthusiasts and Pi fans, manufacturers, students, teachers, and everyone who wants to understand how to make the Pi really work.

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