Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies

Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies

Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies

by Carrie Lewis Miller, Odbayar Batsaikhan, Yilin (Leon) Chen, Elizabeth Pluskwik, Jeffrey R. Pribyl


Game-Based and Adaptive Learning is a graduate-level instructional design course that this book is meant to support, but it can also be utilised in undergraduate teacher preparation or instructional design courses.

For Brandeis University’s MS in Learner Experience Design programme, the original texts and materials for this book were created as part of the course design process. The information in this resource can be used to teach instructional designers, in-service teachers, and pre-service teachers about game-based and adaptable learning. The final chapter offers suggestions for assessments of the learning outcomes based on the assessments used in the real Game-based and Adaptive Learning course. This book complements The EGG’s Using Game-Based Learning Online: A Cookbook of Recipes perfectly.

The materials for the Faculty Showcase were created over the course of a year-long workshop on game development where faculty members were exposed to GBL, worked on game prototypes, played a range of games, and finally playtested their designs. Part of the motivation for this book came from the work they still conduct in the field of GBL. Please get in touch with me at if you would like to submit your own case study for consideration.

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