Getting Started with Istio Service Mesh

Getting Started with Istio Service Mesh

  • Author: Avinash Singh, Rahul Sharma
  • ISBN: 1484254570
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 321
  • Language: English
  • File size: 8.4 MB
  • File format: PDF
  • Category: Software


Book Description:

Build an in-depth understanding of the Istio service mesh and see why a service mesh is required for a distributed application. This publication covers the Istio structure and its features using a hands-on strategy together with language-neutral examples. To get your own Istio environment up and running, you’ll go through its installation and learn the concepts of control plane and data plane. You will become proficient with the newest theories and use them with best practices to continuously provide applications.

  • Discover the Istio architecture components as well as the Envoy proxy
  • Master traffic management for service routing and program deployment
  • Build program resiliency using a timeout, circuit breakers, and link pools
  • Monitor using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Configure application security

Who This Book Is For
Developers and project managers who are trying to conduct their program using Kubernetes. The book isn’t specific for any programming language even though all examples will be in Java or Python.


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