GitHub For Dummies

  • Author: Guthals, Phil Haack
  • ISBN: 1119572673
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 384
  • Language: English
  • File size: 51.4 MB
  • File format: PDF, ePub
  • Category: Programming

Book Description:

Code collaboratively with GitHub

Once you’ve learned the basics of coding the next step is to start sharing your expertise, learning from additional coding experts, or working as a collaborative member of development teams. GitHub is your go-to community for facilitating programming cooperation, and GitHub For Dummies is another step on your journey as a programmer.

Written by a GitHub engineer, this book is full of insight on how GitHub works and ways to use it to become a more powerful, efficient, and valuable member of any collaborative programming group.

From setting up GitHub in your desktop and launching your first job to cloning repositories, finding useful apps on the marketplace, and enhancing workflow, GitHub For Dummies covers the essentials the novice programmer should boost collaboration and teamwork with this particular industry-standard instrument.


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