Hands On Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner

Hands On Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner

  • Author: Navin Sabharwal, Shakuntala Gupta Edward
  • ISBN: 1484255364
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 347
  • Language: English
  • File size: 11.5 MB
  • File format: PDF
  • Category: Cloud Computing


Book Description:

The book begins with the basics of working with the Google Cloud Platform along with an introduction to the database technology available for developers from Google Cloud. You’ll then take an in-depth hands-on journey into Google CloudSQL and CloudSpanner, including choosing the right platform for your application requirements, planning, provisioning, designing, and developing your application.
Sample applications are given that use Python to link to CloudSQL and CloudSpanner, along with useful features supplied from the engines. You”ll also implement practical best practices in the previous chapter. Hands-On Google Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner is a fantastic starting point to apply GCP data offerings in your tech stack and the code utilized allows you to try out the illustrations and expand them in interesting ways.

What You Will Learn

  • Get started with Big Data technologies on the Google Cloud Platform
  • Review CloudSQL and Cloud Spanner from basics to administration
  • Employ best practices and use Google’s CloudSQL and CloudSpanner offering
  • Utilize code in Python notebooks and scripts

Who This Book Is For

Software architects, database architects, software developers, information engineers, architects.

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