marcatore laser prezzo

It is useless to lie, we all know that the most popular laser markers in the world are those of oriental production , mainly from China and the quality and reliability of these systems is certainly lower than those of companies that have a high technological level.

Of course, since the quality is lower, the price also drops, reaching a range from 7000 to 10000 euros for an entire machine. In case we want to rely on a different type of company, let’s take as an example a Marcatrice laser marker like the one in the image and let’s say that the price is about 15,000 euros, in its standard configuration. A complete system, to be integrated into a line, created ad hoc for your application, will see the price rise based on the quantity of integrated accessories , such as robots , particular vision systems , custom software and automatic warehouses.

LASIT has specialized for years in the production of complete systems , for which it is the only supplier, without intermediaries , thus guaranteeing total flexibility and customer care that is difficult to find where there are third parties to consult for advice or assistance.

Therefore, one of the parameters to be considered is that of the company’s attention to the customer , together with the company’s historicity.

In our case, the international market has seen us engaged for thirty years only and exclusively in the research and development of laser marking systems . Specializing means dedicating the entire team, of more than a hundred people, solely to the research of new cutting-edge method.

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