Introducing Vala Programming

  • Author: Michael Lauer
  • ISBN: 1484253795
  • Year: 2019
  • Pages: 242
  • Language: English
  • File size: 2.3 MB
  • File format: PDF, ePub
  • Category: Programming

Book Description:

Get an introduction to the Vala programming language and also learn about its syntax, semantics, and idioms. Do you wish to improve your productivity? Are you interested in a programming language that combines the efficiency of a scripting language with the operation of a compiled language? Did you want to write GTK+ or GNOME programs, but hate C with a passion? Read this book and find out Vala!

Introducing Vala Programming begins from Hello World and goes up to graphic user interfaces with GTK+, covering DBus interprocess communication, network programming, Linux specifics, and more. You’ll learn how to leverage outside libraries and improve Vala by writing bindings to new libraries.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover the Vala programming language and how to use it to boost your productivity
  • Utilize Vala syntax and semantics
  • Write object-oriented code with Vala
  • Use DBus
  • Implement media with Vala
  • Integrate and use external libraries with bindings and libgusb

Who This Book Is For

Individuals with fundamental programming experience in any imperative programming language.

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