Learn Data Mining Through Excel

  • Author: Hong Zhou
  • ISBN: 1484259815
  • Year: 2020
  • Pages: 236
  • Language: English
  • File size: 14.8 MB
  • File format: PDF, ePub
  • Category: C & C++

Book Description:

Use popular data mining techniques in Microsoft Excel to better understand machine learning methods.

Software tools and programming language packs take data input and deliver data mining outcomes right, presenting no penetration on functioning mechanics and creating a chasm between output and input signal. That is where Excel will help.

Excel allows you to work with information in a transparent manner. When you open an Excel file, data is observable immediately and you’re able to work with it straight. Intermediate results can be examined when you are conducting your mining job, providing a deeper comprehension of how data is manipulated and results are obtained. These are critical areas of the model construction process that are concealed in software tools and programming language packs.

This book teaches you data mining via Excel. You are going to discover how Excel has an advantage in data mining when the data sets are not too large. You will go through every step manually, which offers not only an active learning experience, but teaches you how the mining process works and the way to locate the inner hidden routines within the data.

  • Comprehend data mining using a visual step approach
  • Build on a theoretical introduction of a data mining method, followed by an Excel execution
  • Unveil the mystery behind machine learning algorithms, making a Intricate topic accessible to everybody
  • Become proficient in creative uses of Excel formulas and functions
  • Obtain hands-on expertise with data mining and Excel

Anybody who’s interested in studying data mining or machine learning, particularly data science visual learners and people skilled in Excel, who would like to explore data science topics and/or expand their Excel skills. A basic or beginner level understanding of Excel is suggested.

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