Practical System Programming with C
- Author: Sri Manikanta Palakollu
- ISBN: 1484263200
- Year: 2020
- Pages: 290
- Language: English
- File size: MB
- File format: PDF, ePub
- Category: C & C++
Book Description:
This publication teaches system programming with the most recent versions of C by means of a set of practical examples and problems. It covers the development of a couple of programs, implementing efficient programming examples.
Practical System Programming with C contains three chief components: getting your hands dirty with multithreaded C programming; functional system programming utilizing concepts like processes, signs, and inter-process communicating; and advanced socket-based programming which consists of developing a system application for reliable communication.
You will be introduced into some marvelous ecosystem of system programming using C, from handling basic system utility commands to communicating through socket programming. With the support of socket programming, you’ll be able to build client-server applications very quickly.
The”secret sauce” of the book is its own curated collection of topics and solutions, which fit together through a set of distinct pragmatic examples; each subject is covered from scratch within an easy-to-learn way. On this particular trip, you’ll focus on practical implementations and an outline of best practices and potential pitfalls. The book also includes a bonus chapter with a list of advanced topics and directions to cultivate your skills.