Set up a payment system on your website

Set up a payment system on your website

All websites offering an offer must have a dematerialized payment system. There are several types of solutions for this, more or less adapted to each particular business problem. In any case, contacting your bank turns out to be the basic prerequisite for choosing a reliable and secure solution. 

EKINO, EY, GLOBAL POS AND SMARTCHAIN ​​unveil their latest study carried out with the CSA institute on the approach of the USA to new means of payment.

Payment solutions are among the innovations to be taken into account to offer them an optimal and omnichannel experience. Indeed, the study reveals that 5 new means of payment are known by at least 3 out of 4 USA people, including cryptocurrencies. And 95% of them would be ready to pay for their purchases with one of these new means of payment.

According to Stéphane Djiane, President of Global POS “ At a time when consumers are more demanding, in a hurry and ultra-connected, we believe it is necessary to study and understand trends, but above all to anticipate developments. Certain aspects, in particular the attraction of the USA to new payment solutions, are striking and invite us as a retail player to rethink our practices and our relationship to these societal and technological developments  ”.

The different types of systems

The Internet user can choose between several systems when he wishes to make his payments on the Internet. The most classic means remains the bank card, favored by more than 95% of buyers. Then comes the virtual wallet, which allows you not to have to enter your bank details on the site during the purchase, which speeds up the payment phase. The best known is the case of PayPal, which is the heyday of eBay, and is still favored by many sites. Finally, there are online credit systems (, private card (American Express or Cofinoga type), which operate through a system of transfers/direct debits, and micro-payment systems. For entrepreneurs, the choice of the online payment method to set up on its site must always start from the following question:

The formulas

For start-ups starting their activity, it seems more advantageous to choose subscription-free formulas such as PayPal. The entrepreneur who is not yet sure of having a return on investment can thus offer his products for sale without having to pay in advance. On the other hand, be careful not to be blinded by the supposed advantage of the absence of a subscription, an apparent advantage which quickly turns out to be counterproductive. If the company multiplies its sales, the commissions will prove to be increasingly heavy to bear. It is then necessary to calculate finely which formula becomes the most profitable. above a certain weight, it is clear that you have to move towards the banking system and sign a VAD (distance selling) contract with your bank. PSPs (Payment Service Providers) process and then send payments directly to the bank of your choice. We say them“multi-means of payment, multi-banking, and international” . For banks, you must first open a professional account, then open a distance selling contract. This will make it possible to receive credit card payments on the professional account after verifications. The entrepreneur will then be responsible for choosing between several payment solutions.


Complying with strict rules to avoid information leaks is the obligation of a payment service. Virtual wallet services filter information about card details. To reassure the cyber-buyer, the firm undertakes to fully reimburse the sum if the delivery is not made. However, these services are not immune to phishing, a very sophisticated fraud technique, also called phishing. Financial institutions, culturally aware of this aspect, generally offer superior security. With a long experience in the e-commerce sector, and with their experience on several thousand sites, banks are in a good position to meet the security requirements of entrepreneurs. Verification of the viability of the transaction is done directly with the banking institution. The 3DS secure, used by many banking establishments now, identifies the payer, verifies that he is indeed the cardholder. A system that reassures both the Internet user and the e-merchant. This one is indeed sure of the identity of his customer and thus of the payment of his bank.

The image

The reliability of most online payment systems is therefore well established. The big question that entrepreneurs must now ask themselves when they want to set up an online payment system on their site is the image that it will send back to Internet users, their potential buyers. Thus, it is proven that the appearance of a bank’s logo in the payment tab reassures the buyer during his order. This bank guarantee provides a guarantee of viability and security to the Internet user, who is less inclined to end up abandoning his basket. Payment systems that are unclear, too complex or that are not backed by a bank guarantee often tend to demotivate Internet users during the last phase of their purchase and push them to abandon the transaction. A real scourge for e-commerce sites! Banking establishments benefit from a “brand image” of historical specialists in bank card processing and offer themselves as easily identifiable interlocutors in the event of problems, which deeply reassures the customer.


Before discussing in more detail the subject of the integration of an online payment method on a website or an electronic commerce (ecommerce), it is important to understand what this really means.

The payment gateway is a transaction processing platform that manages credit cards for online and offline stores (physical store for example). This transmits important information between the website and the bank , and vice versa.

There are several online payment systems:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • AmazonPay
  • Hipay
  • PayPlug
  • Payzen
  • Bank payment gateway
  • Etc.


Therefore, if you want to make payments on the website and make the user experience more comfortable , consider the gateway as a tool for processing all financial transactions on the Internet.

And to ensure transaction security and protect your website from fraud, the payment gateway encrypts all sensitive information :

  • Full name
  • Credit card number
  • Expiration date
  • And the CVV code, present on the back of the card
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