The factors of choice of medical software

The factors of choice of medical software

Busy days are the daily lot of practitioners. Thus, they have every interest in choosing medical software that helps them regain as much time as possible and allows them not to disperse. How to differentiate the available solutions? Here are some answers to help you see more clearly.

The choice of medical software

How to determine the most suitable tool for your activity? You should focus mainly on ergonomics and the features offered.

Getting started with medical software

First of all, it is essential to choose a solution adapted to your mode of exercise . That’s good, the publishers provide software dedicated to individual activities, but also tools that meet the requirements of multidisciplinary practice in a Multidisciplinary Health Center (MSP). Then, it must be able to be installed on the computers in your practice, therefore compatible with your operating system. You have the opportunity to choose such medical software on sites like .

Equally important, health software is characterized by its ergonomics. It aims to facilitate your management and should save you time . In addition, the software in medical practice management or MSP is also easily used on the go, it works perfectly on mobile devices.

Tool features

First of all, the medical software necessarily integrates the management of patient files : medical history, current treatment, etc. It has secure messaging that guarantees communication and sharing of information with other health professionals. The medical software benefits from a prescription assistance module. It allows you to monitor performance criteria for the ROSP (Remuneration on Public Health Objectives) and includes the remote transmission of electronic care sheets, just like the teleservices of the Health Insurance. Other functionalities include billing, accounting, common classification of medical procedures and the ability to list additional results.

The factors of choice of medical software

The importance of certified software

In recent decades, technological advances have made it possible to considerably improve the medical equipment available to doctors. But what about the business software intended to support them in their exercise?


Their number has increased and they have been enriched with many features. The High Authority for Health (HAS) recalls their role on its website. These tools make it possible to use clinical data, resources that promote patient follow-up and improve their care . Medical software facilitates communication and contributes to good coordination of care. In addition, it gives the doctor during the consultation access to elements of good practice according to the patient’s profile.

A tool that equips the majority of practitioners

The HAS establishes the software certification procedures, this is the certification of prescription assistance software (LAP) and dispensing (LAD). It also issues approval to drug databases. As medical devices, they must necessarily be subject to CE marking . HAS certification remains optional. Slightly more than one out of two healthcare establishments now uses HAS-certified software.

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