Why Plagiarism Checkers Are Important in Marketing: 7 Reasons

Plagiarism Checkers Are Important in Marketing

Plagiarism checkers are very important for writers and students, that much we all know. But, they actually have a much broader utility than this. Plagiarism-checking tools also play a vital role in marketing (digital marketing, to be specific).

In this post, we’re going to be taking a look at why plagiarism checkers are important in marketing. We’ll go over several different points so that we can cover the topic in detail.

Let’s begin.

Why Plagiarism Checkers Are Necessary for Digital Marketing?

There are a lot of different reasons why plagiarism checkers should be used by every marketer as a part of their strategy.

A plagiarism checker free is made to scan the given content against existing sources on the internet in order to find similarities between them. These sources can include blogs, books, research papers, website texts and so on.

When selecting a plagiarism checker for scanning content, it is necessary to pick one that works accurately. Not every tool on the internet is reliable in this regard, so you have to be a little careful. An easy way to do this is to pick a popular one that has a large user base.

Now, let’s move on to discussing why these tools are important for digital marketing.

1.    Checking for Plagiarized Sentences

As a marketer, whenever you have to publish any content on your website, you have to make sure that it is unique.

Google (as well as the other SEs) don’t like plagiarized content. If a website is caught stealing and using content that was previously published by another online platform, then it (the plagiarizing website) is penalized. The penalty can range from a rank reduction in the SERPs to total site de-indexing.

So, the first reason that plagiarism checkers are important in marketing is that they can help you check for plagiarized sentences in your content before you publish it. If there is any plagiarism in there, you can fix/remove it to steer clear of the penalties.

2.    Checking for Paraphrased Sentences

There are a lot of plagiarism checkers available online. Most of them are basic and simple, but some of them are smart and intelligent. The tools in the latter category are able to detect paraphrased sentences in the input text by utilizing AI algorithms.

In addition to helping you find plagiarized sentences in your content, these plagiarism checkers can also assist you in detecting paraphrased sentences as well.

The point of looking for paraphrased sentences is simply to ascertain the quality of the content. In other words, if you are a marketer and if you have had some content delivered to you by a writer on your team, you can check it for paraphrased sentences. If there are any, you can ask the writer about it and tell them to revise the content.

3.    Finding Sources for Citation Purposes

Finding plagiarism in a piece of content is good and all, but what should you do if the results come back showing that 4% or 5% of the entire content is duplicated?

There are a number of steps that you can take here. For example, you can change the plagiarized parts by altering the wording and sentences. Or, you can remove them altogether.

However, if both the above steps are not applicable (for whatever reason), you can simply cite the source. That will also exclude the ‘plagiarized’ parts from being recognized as…plagiarized.

And this is another instance in digital marketing where plagiarism checkers are important. You can, in order to neutralize the plagiarism in your content, cite the URLs pointed out by the tool. Let’s explain that a little bit more.

Here, take a look at this screenshot:

In the screenshot, you can see that the tool pointed out the plagiarism as well as the URLs from where the content was taken. You can simply take the URLs from the tool and create a citation. Then, you can add the citation in front of the sentences that are being shown as plagiarized.

4.    Check Your Writers’ Work

This is something that we did touch on earlier, but let’s explain it a bit more.

If you are a marketer and if the scope of your activities is expansive, then you probably have a team of writers working for you to create blogs and whatnot.

Now, whenever you get a submission from your writer, you can check it using a plagiarism-detecting tool. If there is any plagiarism in the submission, you can simply revert the article back and ask your writer to fix it.

Similarly, if there are any paraphrased sentences in the submission…you can pretty much do the same thing.

In a nutshell, we can summarize this part by saying that plagiarism checkers are also important for marketing as they can help you evaluate the quality of the work submitted by the writers on your team. And, if you are a lone wolf doing all the tasks yourself, it can help you evaluate the quality of your own work.

5.    Reverse-Find a Source

This is not something that can occur frequently and commonly, but it’s a possibility.

Suppose you’ve pooled a lot of content and material from online sources for research purposes. After using all the material, you need to cite a particular source or quote it verbatim.

But, due to the sheer amount of material at hand, you’ve forgotten which material was taken from which source. So, what do you do? You use a plagiarism checker.

Remember how we mentioned that plagiarism checkers can provide the URLs for the duplicated content? You can use this gimmick to your benefit. You can enter the material (that you can’t recall the source of) and just run it through a plagiarism checker. The tool will highlight it as 100% plagiarized, and you will be able to find the exact URL for it.

Then, you will be able to quote or cite it however you want.

6.    Get Reports

Some duplication-checking tools provide a feature that you can use to create reports for your plagiarism checks. It kind of looks like this:

Plagiarism checkers that provide this feature can be useful for marketing since they can help you keep a record of the uniqueness of the content you publish. In other words, you can check your content for plagiarism and then create a report. After some time, if you ever need to refer to it (the report) again, you can simply find it in your local storage.

7.    Keeping an Eye on Competitors

In marketing, keeping an eye on competitors and watching their progress is very important. The rise and fall of your competitors’ rank can have a positive or negative effect on your own website’s standing in the SERPs.

Other than checking the ranking of your competitors in the search engines, you should also keep an eye on the quality of their website design, the content they use as well as the services they’re providing etc.

By checking the quality of the content that your competitors are using, you will be able to find the shortcomings in their strategies. Then, you’ll be able to capitalize on those shortcomings and improve your own approach.

This is something that plagiarism checkers can help you out with.

If you see that your content competitor is struggling to get in the top rankings, you can check the content on their website using a plagiarism checker. If you find that the content that they are using is duplicated, you can focus on creating more and more unique content so that you can win the audience’s trust and create an image of integrity and originality for yourself.

Sounds good, right?


Plagiarism checkers are important for digital marketing. Period.

In the post above, we’ve looked at seven different ways in which you can use them to get help in your marketing endeavours.

However, we reiterate again, when you want to pick a tool for checking your content, always make sure that you select one that is smart and accurate. If this is lacking, then there will not be any solidity in your plagiarism checks.

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